Cleansing spells for lovers.
cleansing spells for lovers. This is a practice done by psychic readers, spell casters, witches,healers to open up path for your feelings and your lovers on a higher and spiritual level to intensify your relation for the better of your relationships.
These feelings can be blocked by everyday obstacles, negative enegyies from people we sometimes don’t know, a past relationship or the fear of commitment that must be removed during the cleaning process.
Things that fault we engage in everyday like tying our shoe laces, walking, breathing or driving our cars are engraved in our psych and we don’t have to think about how to do them.
Love is supposed to flow in veins the same way in our lives after the blockages are removed by cleansing spells. And afterwards allowing us to make important decisions that bring us happiness such as getting a lover four self. cleansing spells for lovers.
Cleansing spells and rituals are also useful for clearing your mind and spirits, before doing a cleans ritual.
Or just to clear out the psychic cobwebs that are blocking you from visualizing intentions and reaching your goals of love in this life. cleansing spells for lovers.
There are a variety of ways that you can execute a cleansing ritual or spell.
Light a white candle with a cleansing scent such as fresh linen (think laundry!).
Take three deep cleansing breaths (10 seconds of inhaling, 4 seconds of holding your breath, and then 5 seconds of exhaling). cleansing spells for lovers.
Using your hands, “gather up” all your negative energy within yourself, negative thoughts and feelings, and as you “push” them into the flame, blow it out.
Take three more cleansing breaths, and you’re done! the candle cleansing spell is often used in all spells such ex-love spells and others
You can also use this cleansing rituals to you love relationship, this can be done when someone is giving a gift to his/her ex-love when spell casting him/her to come back .
it also bind you with your lover for entity, this kind of rituals can also be used when casting a binding spell.cleansing spells for lovers.