Spell of a Salary Raise
Spell of a Salary Raise. Is your company or job paying you little salary, do you want your boss to increase on your salary at work, Are you having that make you need salary incease for them to be solved. Then worry no more because i have some idea, same may call it hope , so whatever everyone calls it just no i have come to put and end to all the problems an stress you have in your life you’re wanting a raise, you need to a spell that will work in your favor. A green candle spell is quick and easy to perform.
What You’ll Need
Green candle
Candle holder
Matches or lighter
Olive oil (enough to dress candle)
1/8 teaspoon patchouli leaves
White paper
Green ink pen
Fireproof bowl
Disposable gloves
Dress the Candle
Place candle holder and bowl on a table or altar. Don the disposable gloves and dress the candle with the olive oil. Set the candle in the candle holder.
Paper and Green Ink Pen
Using the green ink pen, write your name and the dollar sign on the piece of paper. Place the patchouli leaves in the center of the paper. Fold the paper by gathering the ends to create a pouch. Set aside in fireproof bowl.
Person Writing With Fountain Pen On Paper
Cast Your Spell of a salary raise
Once you’ve encircled yourself in a protect ring of white light, you can begin envisioning how your life will change once you receive the raise. Visualize your boss giving you the raise and how you feel. Take in all the nuances of the moment, from sights, sounds and what your boss is saying. Once you feel firmly centered in your visualization. Repeat the following mantra three times:
Close Your Spell and Circle
You will then hold the packet of herbs with your name and dollar sign over the candle flame allowing the paper to catch fire. Carefully, place the packet into the fireproof bowl and allow it to burn out. You want to close the circle and allow the candle to burn out. Bury the remains of the candle and the ashes to ensure your spell takes root.
Spell for Resolving a Work Conflict
Sometimes work conflicts seem impossible to resolve. If you’re suffering from a misunderstanding jealous co-worker or a micro-managing boss, you can try a spell to intervene on your behalf. The main thing to keep in mind is never wish ill of anyone. It will always come back on you threefold.
Supplies You’ll Need
As with any spellwork, you must first gather your supplies. Make sure you have a safe, quiet place to cast your spell. This spell uses the name “Star” for the harassing co-worker, so replace with the name you want.
Pink candle
White candle
Black candle
Candle holder for each candle
Olive oil (enough to dress candles)
Matches or lighter
Photo of “Star” (photo of a coworker) or white paper with name
Black ink pen
Fireproof bowl
Dress the Candles
The black candle offer protection again darkness. The white candle symbolizes pure intent. The pink candle represent love. You want to all three candles with olive oil. Cover each fully and place in their respective holders.